Personal Financial Planning
Paraklete Financial, Inc. is your “Advocate in Financial Services.”®
We look forward to working with you in the design and implementation of your integrated personal financial planning strategy. Our process provides many of the advantages and benefits of a Family Office.
This process will:

Create your team of independent professionals
Design, coordinate and implement your financial planning strategy
At the end of the first year of your engagement, you will have a fully implemented personal financial plan utiizing up-to-date-strategies and time-tested solutions. You will be empowered to make decisions that achieve your goals. Your plan will be implemented through a collaborative team of independent and professional advisers who have demonstrated excellence and adhere to ethical and fiduciary values. If you choose to continue working with us in subsequent years, we will update and monitor your finanial plan and continue to provide advice and counsel in your pursuit or conituation of financial independence. If you have chosen to utilize our virtual family office solution, your entity structure will be complete and implemented in the first year of engagement. In subsequent years we will work together to manage your family office and assist you by adding an admistrative overlay.